
Main Menu - Import Selections

Provides you with the ability to import Selection names from an external file and automatically tick them on the BTX screen.
In order to use this utility, you must have already loaded the Market(s).
When the import screen is displayed, there are 2 tick box options available:
Tick Matching Selections on Main Screen
If this option is selected then all Market Selections that match with selection names in the import file, will be automatically ticked.
Tick Markets of Matching Selections on Main Screen
If this option is selected then the corresponding Markets of all Selections that match with selection names in the import file, will be automatically ticked.
This enables you to easily attach a bet plan to only these markets.
Import File - Format
The BTX supports 2 formats of import data file, text (.txt) and csv (.csv).
The file should contain a list of Selection names, for example Horse names for racing markets.
In the case of .csv files the selection names must be in the first column.
In the case of .txt files the selection name must be the first item on each line. If the line contains additional text then this must be separated from the selection name by a comma.
Import File - Loading
To specify the import file, either enter the full path manually, or click on the open folder button at the right hand side of the filename box (navigate to the location of the import data file and open it).
When the filename has been entered, click on the Import button to start the Selection name matching process.
You will be notified when the processing is complete and the screen will display 2 lists of selection names, those that were matched and those that were not matched.
Selection Name Matching
The Selection names must match exactly after ignoring upper/lower casing.
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