Available with BTX Ultimate. This bet plan section contains optional conditions which can be used to specify when an unmatched Bet1 is canceled.
•Cancel After Timeout – If this option is selected then the use can specify a timeout period. If Bet1 has not been matched when this period expires then it will be canceled. The timeout periods starts from the time at which the BTX sends the Bet1 placement instruction to Betfair. If Bet1 has been partially matched when the timeout expires then it will only be canceled if you have also selected the ‘Cancel Partial Match’ option.
•Cancel After No Of Bet 1s Have Been Matched – If this option is selected then you can specify a matched count. If Bet1 has not been matched, but at least the specified count of other Bet 1s HAVE been matched, then it will be canceled. If Bet1 has been partially matched at this time then it will only be canceled if you have also selected the ‘Cancel Partial Match’ option. Note: In fast moving markets such as in-play horse racing, there is always the chance that a bet will get matched before the cancel instruction is sent.